At-Home Learning Resources

We created a number of activities and ideas for teaching elementary age children skills, like finding clues in historic objects and vocabulary. These resources can be used by elementary students themselves, or as family activities. Enjoy these tools that we’ve rounded up as a way to bring the Ellwood House Museum to you.

Virtual Field Trip

A great introduction to the Ellwood House Museum and what makes the building so important to DeKalb.

Learn about how museums use objects to learn about the lives of people in the past, and try out creating a tour of your own space.

Tour Your House

Who was Isaac Ellwood?

A short booklet detailing the life and career of Isaac Ellwood and the story of barbed wire. This is a printable booklet — pages will be in order when folded together.

Architectural Scavenger Hunt

Take a walk around the museum campus! Can you spot all of these architectural details? Answer Key

Spotlight on the Ellwoods

Follow along with us as we share activities based on the lives and interests of Ellwood family members. New activity pages will be added periodically.

Complete one (or all!) of the activities, and share your projects with us on Facebook and Instagram using #SpotlightontheEllwoods.