Arts in Action

Arts in Action is a project developed by the DeKalb County History Center and the Ellwood House Museum to investigate the history of race relations in DeKalb County through historical research and a collaboration with contemporary artists.

Nine visual artists and five poets were selected for the initial project. Their work is presented through the themes of fear, exclusion, community, and hope. Community members have participated by telling their stories or by assisting with research.

In April 2023, the Illinois Association of Museums awarded the DeKalb County History Center and Ellwood House Museum an Award for Superior Achievement for our project “Arts in Action.” Arts in Action is an initial step in our commitment to shifting the local history narrative from a predominantly white experience to a more inclusive and accurate account that includes the wide range of DeKalb County residents’ lives and experiences. Arts in Action is continuously evolving as more stories are researched and lived and we continue to recognize gaps in exhibits and collections, share the untold stories in our communities, and create new ways of looking at the future through art, exhibits, and increased commitment and access within DeKalb County.